Friday, May 29, 2009

Time and Space

There are a couple of things that we all have available to us: time and space. What we do with those two things depends almost entirely upon the choices we make. We are constrained only by whatever abilities that we have been given.

Time is perhaps the most equally distributed gift that there is. Other than the day of our birth and the day of our death, we all get 24 hours each and every day. What we do with those hours are ultimately our choice.

Most of us submit to an authority of some sort. Children to parents, students to teachers, workers to bosses, spouses to their marriage, etc. As Christians we follow Christ in submitting to God. All these relationships create some order in how we spend our time, but they are choices that we make. There is opportunity for rebellion in all these relationships as well.

Based on where we have chosen to spend our time, we find ourselves in a variety of spaces. Our day of birth again defines where we start, but we start working on our choices pretty quickly. Even as babies we can make our feelings about our personal space pretty clear. As soon as we become mobile, we can change the space we choose to occupy ourselves.

We have at least a whole planet we can get around on fairly easily. Many choose to stay in the country they were born in but may move to different regions. We keep making choices of cities, neighborhoods, buildings, rooms, furnishings, and clothes that define the spaces around us.

Our choices of time and space are based on what we want to do. We can use our time or waste it. Our space may make it easier or more difficult to accomplish what we want. These are our choices.

Look at your schedule, your very own definition of your time and your space. If it is not getting you where you want to be, you need to make some changes. To do that you need to make some choices.
- Think about God's plan for your life
- Think about your current commitments to family and friends
- Think about how work or school is helping you accomplish what you want

Choose wisely. We get another day every day. Usually.

Be Blessed!


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